PUBLIC NOTICE | Temporary Use of Blue Bags for Recycling
The Bitou Municipality is currently unable to provide yellow recycling bags. Our current supplier is unable to provide these bags used for the disposal of recyclable waste.
As an interim measure, the municipality will use blue bags for recycling until yellow bags can be supplied.
Please note that the blue bags will not replace yellow recycling bags and is only an interim measure.
We thank you for your cooperation and value your patience and understanding.
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PUBLIC NOTICE | invitation for Applications: Beach Umbrella Project

Bitou Municipality herewith invites all interested applicants to apply for Seasonal Informal Trading permits from 1 December 2023 to 30 April 2024, for scheduled sites along the coastal areas.
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PUBLIC NOTICE | Revenue Enhancement Program door to door survey
Council embarked on a revenue enhancement initiative to ensure that the various service charges, as set out in Council’s approved tariffs and charges schedule, are correctly levied to all categories of users in accordance with the relevant policies, by-laws, and legislation.
The revenue enhancement initiative will see to it that all categories of properties are treated equally and fairly by ensuring that Council’s approved tariffs for the respective financial years are correctly applied.
PUBLIC NOTICE | Delay in refuse collection in various areas

Dear Residents,
Bitou Municipality is experiencing delays in refuse collection in New Horizon for today (11/10/23).
Collection will continue after hours.
In Kurland, refuse collection services will be suspended today (11/10/23), and collection will resume tomorrow (12/10/23).
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
PUBLIC NOTICE | Goose Valley, Turtle Greek planned power interruption

Dear Consumer,
Please note if weather permitting, the supply of electricity to your premises will be interrupted on:
Date: 16 October 2023
Day: Monday
Time: 08:30am- 14:00 pm
Alternative date: 18 October 2023
Day: Wednesday
PUBLIC NOTICE | IDP ward based public meetings
Notice is hereby given of the scheduled Ward-based IDP Public Meeting in terms of Chapter 4 of the Systems Act.
All community members are invited to attend the IDP Ward meetings as scheduled.
1. IDP reporting back
2. Open-mode water management devices
For more information, please contact the IDP office at 044 5013364/3198 or send an e-mail to
Mr. Mbulelo Memani
Bitou Local Municipality
PUBLIC NOTICE | Temporary closure of Sewell Street due to Ministerial visit
Notice is hereby given to the public that the whole of Sewell Street will be temporarily closed between 7:00 and 12:00 on Monday, September 25, 2023.
This is due to a Ministerial Outreach Program that will be held in the Bitou Council Chambers during this period.
Residents that will be visiting the nearby businesses can, during this period, make use of the Bitou Municipal Parking Facility that is next to the Main Office building. The Bitou Public Safety Officials will be deployed to direct motorists.
Your patience and understanding is appreciated.
PUBLIC NOTICE | Bitou Skills Mecca Indaba
Bitou Municipality in collaboration with Garden Route Skills Mecca will host a capacity-building workshop on the 29th of September 2023 for all current and emerging training providers in the Bitou municipal area.
The workshop will focus on the new landscape of occupational qualifications as being developed by The Quality Council For Trades and Occupations.
PUBLIC NOTICE | SEDA Business Skills Training
Bitou Municipality and Seda invites entrepreneurs that have existing businesses to a 3-day Basic Business Skills training session.
Training will be held at the Kwanokuthula Community Hall from 3 October 2023 to 5 October 2023 from 9h00 until 16h00 daily.
The training session will cover the following subjects:
- The Characteristics of An Entrepreneur
- The Principles Of Business
- Challenges Facing Business
- How To Operate a Business
- The Basic Financials of Business
- How To Do a SWOT Analysis
PUBLIC NOTICE | Delay in refuse collection in various areas
Bitou Municipality is experiencing delays in refuse collection in New Horizons while collection in Kwanokuthula has been suspended for today.
Collection in Kwanokuthula will resume tomorrow (21 September 2023).
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Ms. Melony Paulsen
Director Community Services