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Notice Number

NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting held on the 11th of December 2023, the Council of Bitou Municipality passed a resolution in respect of the adoption of an Adjustment Budget on the 2023/2024 budget, compiled in terms of section 28 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003. 

A copy of the above-mentioned resolution and the Adjustment Budget is electronically available in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 for public scrutiny during normal office hours at the municipal offices and libraries within the Bitou Municipality region as well as on council’s website at 

Enquiries may be directed to Budget Office at 044-501-3404/2. 

Persons who cannot read or write, may contact Mr. C.Payle during normal office hours at the Municipal Offices situated at Melville’s Centre, Shop 67, for assistance as regards the contents of the above-mentioned document


Mr Mbulelo Memani 


Bitou Local Municipality