PUBLIC NOTICE | Proposed Survey Activities in Block 9 and Block 11B/12B of the South Coast, South Africa
PUBLIC NOTICE | Public Meetings for SANRAL Project in Bitou Municipality
Public Meetings for SANRAL Project in Bitou Municipality
The South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL) is pleased to announce the commencement of the project in the Bitou Municipality, The Periodic maintenance of national route 2 section 8 from Nature’s Valley (km 79.75) to Bloukrans River (km 97.30). As part of our commitment to transparency and community involvement, SANRAL previously held a community meeting to discuss project details, employment opportunities, and our operational procedures.
PUPLIC NOTICE | Raising of Long-Term Debt to The Amount of R40 545 000,00
The public is hereby informed, in accordance with Section 46 (3) (a) (i) of the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003, that a Council Meeting of the Bitou Local Municipality will be held on Thursday, 12 December 2024, at 09:00 in the Municipal Council Chamber in Plettenberg Bay. The purpose of this meeting is to consider the raising of a long-term loan to implement the 2024/2025 capital budget, as approved by the Council on 24 May 2024.
PUPLIC NOTICE | The Municipality Intends to Amend the Following Contract
Notice is hereby further given in terms of Section 21 and 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that the local community and affected parties are invited to submit comments or representations on the proposed amendment of the contract. The draft contracts and information statement summarizing the Municipality’s obligations in terms of the draft agreements are available for inspection on the municipal website,
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PUBLIC NOTICE | Call for Comments on the Sports Facilities Master Plan
The public is hereby invited to submit comments concerning the Sports Facilities Master Plan, as per Bitou Council Resolution C/4/199/06/24, which approves the master plan subject to a public participation process.
Please Note:
All interested public members in the Bitou Municipal area are encouraged to view the draft Sports Facilities Master Plan, which is available on the Bitou Municipal website or during office hours at all the libraries.
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INVITE | Non-PIVOTAL Discretionary Grant 2024/25 Funding Window
The Wholesale & Retail SETA is funding SMMEs who want to provide training and development for their staff as well as individual SMMEs who want to participate in training and development.
Method of Application:
• All applications must be made online through the W&RSETA Management Information System (MIS) using an SDL number to access the system.
• Stakeholders must consult the relevant provincial office (where applicant is based) for assistance with access to the system where needed.
PUBLIC NOTICE | Bitou Public Safety Division call for comments on the Public Amenities By-Law
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 12 (3)(b) of the Local government: Municipal Systems Act (Act No. 32 of 2000) as amended and by resolution of Council of Bitou municipality, that Bitou Municipality has considered and in principle adopted the draft By-law relating to Public Amenities. Council Resolution, Item number C/4/115/09/23 taken at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 31 October 2023, recommended that the public be informed and encouraged to comment on this by-law:
Please Note:
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PUBLIC NOTICE | Improvement of the N2 Beaconway Intersection supplier data base
Contract for SANRAL N.002-080-2016/1 the improvement of the n2 beaconway intersection ON NATIONAL ROUTE 2 SECTION 8 BETWEEN Km 61.2 and Km 61.8
PUBLIC NOTICE | TEEPSA block 11b/12b environmental authorization application
Offshore Production Right and Environmental Authorisation Applications by TotalEnergies EP South Africa B.V. for Block 11B/12B
WSP Group Africa (Pty) Ltd (WSP), as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) for TotalEnergies Exploration and Production South Africa B.V.’s (TEEPSA’s) Production Right and Environmental Authorisation application for its proposed offshore Block 11B/12B development project.
The programme runs for up-to two years and follows a carefully designed and well-proven method. This has delivered exceptional results time and again across many business sectors.