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The Wholesale &  Retail  SETA is funding SMMEs who want to provide training and development for their staff as well as individual SMMEs who want to participate in training and development.

Method of Application: 

• All applications must be made online through the W&RSETA Management Information System (MIS) using an SDL number to access the system. 

• Stakeholders must consult the relevant provincial office (where applicant is based) for assistance with access to the system where needed. 

Allocation process: 

• Allocations will be approved on the MIS by the W&RSETA. 

• Applicants must accept the allocations awarded on the MIS. 

• Award Letters will be issued to successful applicants upon acceptance of the allocations. 

• Should stakeholders not receive an Award Letter by 30 September 2024, their application should be considered unsuccessful.

• The W&RSETA reserves the right to issue an award after this date should allocations be declined or not taken up.

• Award Letters must be signed and loaded on the MIS by the applicants within 5 working days.

• All learners for whom funding is awarded, must be registered by the W&RSETA on the MIS by 30 September 2024. Failure to register learners within the stipulated timelines will result in the re-allocation of funding awarded. 


Application Deadline: Applications will close at midnight on 30 August 2024. No late applications will be considered. QUERIES can be directed to: Ashley Goliath on 021 561 6500 or for applicants from the Western Cape or to the officials in your respective province, indicated on the information sheet attached