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PUPLIC NOTICE | The Municipality Intends to Amend the Following Contract

Notice is hereby further given in terms of Section 21 and 21A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that the local community and affected parties are invited to submit comments or representations on the proposed amendment of the contract. The draft contracts and information statement summarizing the Municipality’s obligations in terms of the draft agreements are available for inspection on the municipal website, 


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PUBLIC NOTICE | Door to Door Survery

Council embarked on a revenue enhancement initiative to ensure that the various service charges, as set out in Council’s approved tariffs and charges schedule, are correctly levied to all categories of users in accordance with the relevant policies, by-laws, and legislation. 

The revenue enhancement initiative will see to it that all categories of properties are treated equally and fairly by ensuring that Council’s approved tariffs for the respective financial years are correctly applied. 

PUBLIC NOTICE | Door to Door Survey

Council embarked on a revenue enhancement initiative to ensure that the various service charges, as set out in Council’s approved tariffs and charges schedule, are correctly levied to all categories of users in accordance with the relevant policies, by-laws, and legislation. 

The revenue enhancement initiative will see to it that all categories of properties are treated equally and fairly by ensuring that Council’s approved tariffs for the respective financial years are correctly applied. 



Closing Date
R 394 551,72 – R 512 155,32 (T12)



Closing Date
R 164 058,58 – R 212 980,09 (T6)

PUBLIC NOTICE | Door to Door Survey: Bitou Revenue Enhancement Program

Council embarked on a revenue enhancement initiative to ensure that the various service charges, as set out in Council’s approved tariffs and charges schedule, are correctly levied to all categories of users in accordance with the relevant policies, by-laws, and legislation. 

The revenue enhancement initiative will see to it that all categories of properties are treated equally and fairly by ensuring that Council’s approved tariffs for the respective financial years are correctly applied. 

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PUBLIC NOTICE | Door to Door Survey: Bitou Revenue Enhancement Program

Council embarked on a revenue enhancement initiative to ensure that the various service charges, as set out in Council’s approved tariffs and charges schedule, are correctly levied to all categories of users in accordance with the relevant policies, by-laws, and legislation. 

The revenue enhancement initiative will see to it that all categories of properties are treated equally and fairly by ensuring that Council’s approved tariffs for the respective financial years are correctly applied. 

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PUBLIC NOTICE: Resolution Levying Property Rates for the Financial Year 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 14(1) and (2) of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004; that at its meeting of 24 May 2024, the Council resolved by way of council resolution number C/2/210/05/24, to levy the rates on property reflected in the schedule below with effect from 1 July 2024. 

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PUBLIC NOTICE | Door to Door Survey: Bitou Revenue Enhancement Program

Council embarked on a revenue enhancement initiative to ensure that the various service charges, as set out in Council’s approved tariffs and charges schedule, are correctly levied to all categories of users in accordance with the relevant policies, by-laws, and legislation. 

The revenue enhancement initiative will see to it that all categories of properties are treated equally and fairly by ensuring that Council’s approved tariffs for the respective financial years are correctly applied. 

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