*Illegal tavern owner arrested, expired food confiscated as Bitou Law Enforcement cracks whip on businesses around town*
Thousands of rands worth of liquor and expired food items were confiscated by Bitou Public Safety officials in collaboration with key law enforcement partners, including SAPS.
This health and safety blitz is part of a campaign of keeping residents safe.
On Friday, operations began in Witterdrift where two shops were inspected with a health inspector from Garden Route District Municipality.
Expired food items including baby food, cool drink, chips and spices were confiscated and sent to the Bitou transfer site.
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Law Enforcement
The Law Enforcement Section is responsible for Law Enforcement, VIP Protection and Security Services. Municipal Law Enforcement mandated by Government Gazette 23868 of 26 September 2002, to address short falls and hardships experienced by Municipalities in South Africa relating by-law empowerment, Business Act 1991 (Act 71 of 1991), Occupational Health and Safety and land use planning. The Fire Brigade Act, 1987 etc.