INVITE | Non-PIVOTAL Discretionary Grant 2024/25 Funding Window
The Wholesale & Retail SETA is funding SMMEs who want to provide training and development for their staff as well as individual SMMEs who want to participate in training and development.
Method of Application:
• All applications must be made online through the W&RSETA Management Information System (MIS) using an SDL number to access the system.
• Stakeholders must consult the relevant provincial office (where applicant is based) for assistance with access to the system where needed.
PUBLIC NOTICE | Call For Proposals: Beach Umbrella Project
PUBLIC NOTICE | Garden Route Film Commission Inhouse Film Training Proposal
VISION Employment and business ownership in an infinite Global space in a responsible way.
MISSION Unlocking the potential to seize opportunities in global wealth through the acquisition of financial, writing and editing skills. Stimulation to enter accredited training programmes.
Role players in communication to identify students according to proposed criterion below:
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PUBLIC NOTICE | The 2024 Bitou Funding Fair
SMME’s are invited to engage with numerous funding organizations that provide funding and business development opportunities.
Come and learn more about:
- How to apply for SMME funding
- The different funding approval criteria
- The different available forms of funding
- Incentives available to SMME’s
- Non-Financial support available to SMME’s
The Bitou Funding Fair will be in your community on the following dates:
Wednesday 24 April
8h00 – 12h00: Kwanokuthula Community Hall
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PUBLIC NOTICE | invitation for Applications: Beach Umbrella Project

Bitou Municipality herewith invites all interested applicants to apply for Seasonal Informal Trading permits from 1 December 2023 to 30 April 2024, for scheduled sites along the coastal areas.
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Call for development proposals, Erf 4367 Plettenberg Bay
Call for development proposals, Erf 4367 Plettenberg Bay
Extension for SCM/2023/130/EDP: Attainment of Airport Business and long-term lease: The Plettenberg Bay Airport.
Extension for SCM/2023/130/EDP: Attainment of Airport Business and long-term lease: The Plettenberg Bay Airport.
Bitou Municipality herewith invites all interested informal traders to apply for Seasonal Informal Trading permits for the period 1 December 2023 to 30 April 2024, for scheduled sites along the coastal areas.
Attainment of Airport Business and long-term lease: The Plettenberg Bay Airport
Attainment of Airport Business and long-term lease: The Plettenberg Bay Airport
Local Economic Development
The local economic development section is tasked with facilitation of economic opportunity within the Bitou area, and covers a range of interventions.
On an individual level the section identifies, develops and maintains suitable trading sites for informal trading, as well as the supervision and licensing of the traders. It also identifies small-scale initiatives for job creation within the community, as well as looking at municipal properties with the potential for business development and manages the processes needed to activate them.