Calibration & Maintenance Service on Weighbridge at Bitou Waste Transfer Station
Calibration & Maintenance Service on Weighbridge at Bitou Waste Transfer Station
PUBLIC NOTICE | Door to Door Survey
Council embarked on a revenue enhancement initiative to ensure that the various service charges, as set out in Council’s approved tariffs and charges schedule, are correctly levied to all categories of users in accordance with the relevant policies, by-laws, and legislation.
The revenue enhancement initiative will see to it that all categories of properties are treated equally and fairly by ensuring that Council’s approved tariffs for the respective financial years are correctly applied.
Re-advertisement: MANAGER
Addendum for Re-Advertisement of Demolition of Existing Partially Completed Building Structure on Erf 156, Plettenberg Bay.
Addendum for Re-Advertisement of Demolition of Existing Partially Completed Building Structure on Erf 156, Plettenberg Bay.
PUBLIC NOTICE | Invitation to Serve as an Ordinary Member on the Audit & Performance Audit Committee of Bitou Municipality
In terms of Council Resolution C/1/260/10/24, applications are hereby invited for persons with suitable skills and qualifications to serve as members of the Bitou Municipality's audit committee in terms of Section 166 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (No. 56 of 2003). This committee will also serve as the Performance Management Committee and other functions might be allocated to the committee.
Provision of Website Maintenance & Support Services
Provision of Website Maintenance & Support Services.
Supply and Delivery of pre-cast concrete sewer manhole rings, cover slabs and concrete lids with galvanised straps.
Supply and Delivery of pre-cast concrete sewer manhole rings, cover slabs and concrete lids with galvanised straps.