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Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council has resolved that the following properties are not required by the Municipality for its own purposes or for the provision of a basic level of municipal services (which implies that these properties may potentially be alienated):

(a) Erf 1496, Kranshoek;

(b) Erf 993, Kranshoek;

(c) Erven 8766, 8767, 8768, 8774, 8775, 8778, 8779, 8781, 8783, and 8785, Plettenberg Bay (New Horizons);

(d) Portion of Erf 256, Plettenberg Bay;

(e) Portion B of Erf 1725, Plettenberg Bay;

(f) Portion of Portion 41 of the Farm Hillview No. 437.

(g) Portion of the Remainder of Erf 117, Kurland;

(h) Remainder of Portion 3 of the Farm Hillview No 437;

The detail of the properties concerned is available for viewing at the Planning and Building Control section of the Municipality (Unit 50, Second Floor, Melville’s Corner, 3 Kloof Street, Plettenberg Bay) during normal office hours. Enquiries may be directed to Ms S du Preez (tel: 044 – 501 3311; email:

Any stakeholder is invited to comment on the matter, with specific reference to the following aspects:

(a) The principle of the proposed alienation of the relevant properties;

(b) Suggestions pertaining to the possible use of these properties;

(c) Any other relevant matter.

Any comment (which must include the name and contact details of the person concerned) should be lodged in writing and be addressed to the Municipal Manager, Bitou Local Municipality, Private Bag X1002, Plettenberg Bay, 6600, or by email to, or be hand-delivered to the Planning and Building Control section of the Municipality (Unit 50, Second Floor, Melville’s Corner, 3 Kloof Street, Plettenberg Bay). The closing date for the submission of comment has been extended from 30 March 2023 to 17 April 2023.

M Memani:

Municipal Manager: Bitou Municipality