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Informal trading is defined as the economic activity undertaken by entrepreneurs who sell legal goods and services within a space deemed to be public property, within the informal sector.
Informal Trading is a positive development in the micro business sector as it contributes to job creation.
All informal traders who operate in the greater Bitou area need to be in possession of a trader permit issued by the Economic Development Department at the Bitou Municipality.
The Bitou Municipality currently has the following demarcated trading sites;
- Kwanokuthula Taxi-Rank
- Central Taxi-Rank
- Beacon Way
- Beaches (seasonal applications)
- Newspaper vendors- special allocation
The applications for seasonal beach trading is available annually between July and August. Traders operating with special products for an example, Henna, Massages and Surf Schools also has the opportunity to apply for the seasonal beach trading during the application period.
Adverts for beach trading are available in the local newsletter and the Bitou Municipalities social media annually.
- Preference are given to unemployed citizens residing within the Bitou area
Annual Process
- Submission of application with the relevant documents
- Shortlisting through the Informal Trading Steering Committee
- All shortlisted candidates to conduct an interview process
- Issuing of approval letters
- Payment of approved site
- Commencement of trading
A monthly fee payable as per Councils tariff policy
Documents required to apply
- Completed application form
- Proof of residential address
- Certify copy of identity document
- Proof of employment status
- Certificate of acceptability, only applicable for food applications (To apply at the Garden Route Health Department)
Key Contacts
Alicia Brettenny
Alicia BrettennyLED Officer - Informal Trading/LED Forum secretariatEmailPhone