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The Town Planning Section includes town planning as such, the control over signage, management of the Geographic Information System (GIS) and spatial planning (SDF).

Key Performance Areas

The function of the section is to regulate land use in terms of all legislation relevant to land use. The daily administration of the section includes applications for land use changes, departures, rezoning, removal of restrictions, subdivisions, consent uses as well as the administration of current land uses. Furthermore, the section is also responsible for the administration of the Spatial Development Framework as spatial planning tool in terms of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP), from involvement of compilation thereof to amendments/updating and implementation of identified projects. The administration of signage/adverts in the municipal area is also dealt with by this section. This includes the urban areas as well as along the rural roads. The section also is responsible for the GIS, developing it and structuring it, reflecting all salient information such as erf numbers, size, services infrastructure, etc. The GIS will serve as land management system as prescribed by the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013.

Key Documents

Key Contacts