The Traffic Department is responsible for traffic Law Enforcement and the Administration thereof. This function also ensures the technical sustainability of Road Traffic Signs and Markings throughout the Municipal Area.
Vision/ Mission
- To reduce accidents, fatalities and injuries.
- To create a heightened awareness of road traffic safety issues.
- To inculcate good road user behavior and encourage voluntary compliance.
- To increase detection rates on all key safety indices.
- To maximize communications and publicity exposure on enforcement issues.
- To contribute towards the reduction of crime in general.
Key Performance Areas
- To conduct high visibility patrols
- To provide an efficient emergency response service.
- To maintain a committed goal through direct enforcement and Traffic Control.
- To conduct public information and awareness programs.
- To enforce Traffic Law, Public Traffic Control and Municipal By Laws throughout the Bitou area.
- To ensure a sustainable and successful maintenance strategy of road signs and markings.
- Reduce death rate.
- Compliance to Road Traffic Signs, rules and regulations.
- Free flow of traffic.
Traffic Fines Queries:
Telephone: (+27) 044 501 3098
Email: plettenberg@tmt.africa