Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) that a Council meeting of the Bitou Municipality is scheduled for Tuesday, 28 February 2023 at 12h00 via Teams.
The above mentioned meeting will be live streamed on the municipality’s official YouTube channel. To watch the stream follow the link on our website:
Isaziso sinikezwe ngemimiselo yecandelo 19 yemithetho woorhulumente basemakhaya, 2000 (umthetho 32 ka 2000) intlanganiso yebhunga likamasipala waseBitou ibekelwe uLwesibini nge 28 kwe Yomdumba 2023 ngo 12h00 kuTeams.
Lentlanganiso ingentla izakusasazwa ngethuba iqhubeka kwikhasi lonxibelelwano likamasipala uYoutube. Ukuze ubenakho ukuyibukela iqhubekeka landela ikhonco kwiwebsite:
Kennis geskiet hiermee, in terme van Seksie 19 van Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsel Akte, 2000 (Akte 32 of 2000) dat ‘n Raads vergaardering van Bitou Munisipaliteit geskuduleer vir Dinsdag 28 Februarie 20223 om 12h00 via Teams.
Die bogenoemde vergaadering sal uitgebeeld word op die munisipaliteit se amptelike YouTube kanaal. Om te kyk, volg die skakel op onse webwerf:
Mr. Mbulelo Memani
Bitou Local Municipality