In terms of Council Resolution C/1/260/10/24, applications are hereby invited for persons with suitable skills and qualifications to serve as members of the Bitou Municipality's audit committee in terms of Section 166 of the Municipal Finance Management Act (No. 56 of 2003). This committee will also serve as the Performance Management Committee and other functions might be allocated to the committee.
Council invites suitably qualified persons to submit their CVs and motivation for their appointment to the Audit & Performance Audit Committee for the period from March 2025 for a period of three (3) years.
Applicant must meet the following requirements:
- A relevant tertiary qualification and experience in any of the following fields:
- Financial Management and Accounting
- Administration and Governance (Internal Audit, External Audit, ICT, Human Resource Management & Labour Relations)
- Risk Management
- Performance Management
- Public Administration
- Law
- In addition to the above, applicants should demonstrate experience with regards the following:
- Have the necessary leadership and communication skills
- Have an inquisitive personality within reasonable levels of probing
- Have analytical reasoning abilities
- Have the ability to lead and participate in the discussions
- Have a good understanding of the committee position in the governance structure
- Have the ability and capability to conduct the Audit Committee affairs efficiently and effectively
- Having a sound knowledge of issues affecting Local Government, will be an added advantage
- Preference will be given to applicants who have previous experience in serving as an Audit Committee member in a local government institution
- These committee and members are required to fulfil an oversight role in respect of the total administration and performance of Bitou Municipality.
- Advise the Municipal Council, the political office-bearers, the accounting officer and management staff of the municipality.
- Review the Annual Financial Statements to provide the Council of the municipality, with an authoritative and credible view of the financial position of the municipal entity, its efficiency and effectiveness and its overall level of compliance with applicable legislation.
- Respond to the Council on any issues raised by the Auditor-General,
- Perform duties as required by section 166 of the Local Government Municipal Finance Management Act of 2003.
The Committee member will be appointed by Council in terms of Circular 65 of the Municipal Finance Management Act of 2003 for a fixed term period of three years. The compensation of the members of the Committee will be subject to tariffs determined by the minister of Finance through the Treasury Regulations (TR 20.2.2) for attending meetings.
Applicants from Plettenberg Bay are encouraged and preference will be given to applicants residing within the Bitou Municipal Boundaries. Applicants must be able to commit time and energy in fulfilling their functions as Audit Committee members.
Interested persons may not have any business or contractual dealings with Bitou Municipality. This is to ensure Audit Committee members remain independent from any Municipal Activities during the period of appointment on the Audit Committee.
Applications must be accompanied by a Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV) and covering letter. Applications must be submitted to the Municipal Manager, Mr. Mbulelo Memani at the main municipal building, 4 Sewell Street, Plettenberg Bay or posted to the same at Bitou Municipality, Private Bag X1002, Plettenberg Bay, 6600.
Please note that NO applications by E-mail or Fax will be accepted.
Applicants should note that if they are not notified of the outcome of their applications within 30 days of the closing date for submission of applications/nominations, they may conclude that their applications/nominations were not successful.
The municipality reserves the right not to make any appointment following the placement of this advertisement.
Closing date: 31 December 2024
Enquiries: Chief Audit Executive, Mr. C Koeberg (044 501 3153)
Municipal Notice:
Notice 433 of 2024