● Relevant 3-year tertiary qualification, preferably a B-Tech degree in Environmental Health/ Environmental Science and/ or other related qualification ● 5 years’ relevant experience with a minimum of 2 years supervisory experience.
● Valid driver’s license ●Excellent communication skills ● Good knowledge and understanding of Local Government environment ● High level of initiative as well as administrative and organisational skills ● Good verbal and written communication skills in two of the three official languages of the Western Cape ● Ability to work independently and function effectively under pressure● Good project management skills ● Excellent supervision, human relations, interpersonal, and communications skills ● Time management skills ● High level of responsibility ● Ability to deal with conflict situations ● Customer Orientation ● Financial and Administrative Skills ● Diplomacy and Negotiation Skills ● Computer Literacy (MS Office Application) ● Knowledgeable about all relevant legislation.
● Manages the Key Performance Areas and indicators associated with the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting sequences of outcomes associated with plans and programmes, designed to accomplish key service delivery objectives with the collection and disposal of solid waste (Landfill site and Transfer Station) ● Ensure compliance with all the statutory obligations of the municipality relating to all matters of prevention of air, soil and noise pollution including radiation hazard control ● Manage the key performance areas of the Division through the implementation of policies, procedures, systems and controls ● Provide strategic advice on the core functionalities with respect to the Divisions service delivery standards, objectives and development ● Manage and control the operations and maintenance of a weighbridge and transfer station site ● Manage, monitor and control operational/ capital projects and budget of the Division ● Monitor the implementation of Risk Management and Supply Chain Management strategies ● Manage and controls specific statutory legislative requirements with respect to contracts, tenders, licensing, queries and disputes ● Disseminate information and guidance with relation to performance management of the human capital of the Division ● Render management and line function administrative support services to the Division ● Keep abreast of current trends, legislative changes and technological developments in the relevant industries. ● Manage, communicate, supervise and provide guidance to personnel.
CORE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES • Communication: The capacity to listen attentively, grasp issues, present information in a clear manner and respond appropriately to verbal and written communication of others • Planning and Organising: The ability to plan activities within specific timeframes and then to execute these activities according to plan • Conceptual Thinking: The ability to gather information, analyse issues and deal with complexity and ambiguity. • Information Management: Displays an ability to collect, review and analyze information pertaining to Environmental Health, identify trends, and report on them to all stakeholders FUNCTIONAL COMPETENCIES • Analytical skills: Ability to identify patterns across situations that are not obviously related, and identify key or underlying issues in complex situations. • Advocacy / Negotiation: Ability to promote Municipal Health Services • Waste management: Monitoring the Health effects of waste. • Environmental Pollution Control: Ensure a hygienic working and recreational environment. • Project Management: Ability to plan, co-ordinate and control the tasks of self and others to deliver projects and tasks to the required specification and within budget and schedule PUBLIC SERVICE ORIENTATION COMPETENCIES • Interpersonal relationship: The ability to establish and maintain productive relationships with people within and outside of the Municipality. • Communication: The capacity to listen attentively, grasp issues, present information in a clear manner and respond • appropriately to verbal and written communication of others. • Client Orientation and Customer Focus: Understands the service needs of a client/customer (internal or external) and actively focuses on anticipating, meeting and exceeding the needs in a timely and appropriate manner. • Service delivery Orientation: The ability to explore and implement new ways of delivering services that contribute to the improvement of municipal processes in order to achieve municipal goals. PERSONAL COMPETENCIES • Action Orientation: The display of high work ethic in setting and achieving challenging goals, meeting deadlines and keeping promises. It manifests itself in one’s ability to stay focused on task, to be energetic, persistent and reliable. • Attention to Detail: Ability to scrutinise own work and that of others to ensure accuracy and compliance with the relevant engineering standards • Resilience: The ability to respond constructively to pressure / stress situations and the ability to persist with goals despite obstacles and setbacks. • Change Readiness: The ability to innovate and challenge the status quo and the ability to cope with change driven by others. • Learning Orientation: The willingness and motivation to learn, acquire knowledge, develop insight and focus on continuous selfimprovement. • Problem Solving: The ability to gather information, analyse issues and deal with complexity and ambiguity. Show long-term thinking, follows through in a logical manner, aware of consequences and implications. Is able to see the ‘Bigger Picture’. • Accountability and Ethical Conduct: Ability to display and build the highest standards of ethical and moral conduct in order to promote confidence and trust in the public service and to adhere to codes of good corporate governance. • Integrity: Behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner MANAGEMENT / LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES • Direct Setting: The ability to create a clear sense of common purpose and vision for others and the ability to motivate and inspire others to voluntarily give of their best in working towards a common vision or goal. • Impact and Influence: The ability to inspire a positive attitude in others and be able to influence others effectively. • Coaching and Mentoring: The ability to assess skills, performance, and potential of subordinates and to encourage • their development with the view of optimising their talent and potential. • Team Orientation: The capacity to promote a cooperative climate, understand group dynamics and apply appropriate facilitation techniques in working with others to achieve a shared goal
Information to Consider
Candidates must be willing to be subjected to an interview and competency assessment and must be aware that previous employers and references will be contacted and their qualifications, credit and criminal record will be verified. The candidates will be required to disclose all Financial Interests.
General application forms are available in the application section. The application for this job is available at the bottom of this page. A comprehensive CV, original certified copies of Identification documents, qualifications, and driver’s license must accompany the application form and must be hand delivered/couriered to the Human Resources Section, Bitou Municipality, 1 Sewell Street, Plettenberg Bay or posted to Private Bag X1002; Plettenberg Bay; 6600.
Bitou Municipality is an equal opportunity employer. Candidates from the designated groups, including those with disabilities, are encouraged to apply.
Please take note:
- Only hard-copy applications will be considered. No electronic or faxed applications will be accepted.
- No late applications will be considered. Canvassing of Councilors with the purpose of being appointed is not permitted and proof of such canvassing shall lead to disqualification.
- Submit separate applications when applying for multiple posts and quote reference number.
- Preference will be given to local residents before considering candidates outside the Bitou Municipal Area
If you receive no feedback from us within 12 weeks after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Bitou Municipality reserves the right not to make any appointment and to re-advertise before a shortlist is compiled.