Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 29 A of Local Government: Municipal Structures
Act, No 117 of 1998 (Act 117 of 1998) that the Special Council meeting of the Bitou
Municipality is scheduled for Friday, 02 February 2024 at 09h00 in the Bitou Council
The above-mentioned meeting will be live streamed on the municipality’s official YouTube
channel. To watch the stream follow the link on our website:
Isaziso siyanikezelwa ngokweCandelo lama-29A loRhulumente weNgingqi: uMthetho
wamaSebe ooMasipala, onguNombolo 117 ka-1998 (uMthetho we-117 ka-1998) intlanganiso
yebhunga ekhethekileyo likamasipala waseBitou imiselwe NgoLwesihlanu, 02 KweyoMdumba 2024 ngo-09h00 kumagumbi eBhunga laseBitou.
Lentlanganiso ingentla izakusasazwa ngethuba iqhubeka kwikhasi lonxibelelwano
likamasipala uYoutube. Ukuze ubenakho ukuyibukela iqhubekeka landela ikhonco
Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge Artikel 29 A van Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale
Strukture, No 117 van 1998 (Wet 117 van 1998) dat die Spesiale Raadsvergadering van die
Munisipaliteit geskeduleer is vir Vrydag, 02 Februarie 2024 om 09h00 in die Raadsaal van die
Bitou Munisipaliteit.
Die bogenoemde vergadering sal uitgebeeld word op die munisipaliteit se amptelike YouTube
kanaal. Om te kyk, volg die skakel op ons webwerf:
Mr. Mbulelo Memani
Bitou Local Municipality