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Notice Number

Proposed Rezoning and Subdivision of Erf 8010, in terms of Section 15(2)(e) of the Bitou Municipality: Land Use Planning By-Law, 2015. 

Voorgestelde hersonering en onderverdeling van Erf 8010, ingevolge Artikel 15(2)(e) van die Bitou Munisipaliteit: Verordening oor Grondgebruikbeplanning, 2015. 

UCando ngokutsha olucetywayo kunye nokwaHlulwa kweSiza-8010, ngokweCandelo-15(2)(e) loMasipala waseBitou: uMthetho kaMasipala woCwangciso lokuSetyenziswa koMhlaba, ka-2015.

Application is available for viewing at Municipal office, 50 Melville’s Corner, during office hours/ 

Aansoek kan bestudeer word by Kantoor 50, Mellville’s Corner gedurende kantoorure/ 

Ikopi yesicelo iyafumaneka ukuze ijongwe kwi-ofisi kaMasipala kwiyunithi engu-50 Melville’s Corner, ngamaxesha omsebenzi aqhelekileyo. 

Enquiries may be directed to/ Navrae kan gerig word na/ Imibuzo inokubhekiswa kuyo Town planning at 044 501 3303/ 

Comments/objections with reasons must be delivered or e-mailed to within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, and must include the name & contact details of the person concerned. 

Kommentare/ besware kan na gerig word binne 30 van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing en moet ‘n naam en kontakbesonderhede insluit.

Naziphi na izimvo/izichaso ezinezizathu mazisiwe okanye zithunyelwe nge-imeyile apha zingadlulanga iintsuku ezingama-30 ukususela kumhla wokupapashwa kwesi saziso, kwaye mazibandakanye igama neenkcukacha zoqhagamshelwano zaloo mntu uchaphazelekayo.


Mr. Mbulelo Memani


Bitou Local Municipality