To our teachers: May you have the courage and wisdom to sustain and guide our learners as you unlock and nurture each learner’s potential one lesson and one day at a time. This is a huge responsibility which you have chosen as a career, that society and our community has entrusted you with. In your hands dreams are nurtured and futures are shaped.
To our learners: You are the future leaders of our community and our country. The future belongs to those who prepare for it. We know that education is the foundation of that preparation. Start this year with enthusiasm and vigor, embrace the challenges and in the words of Art Williams, “ I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy; I’m telling you it is going to be worth it”.
I urge you to stay in school, respect your parents and teachers, choose worthy role models and make good choices. Embrace the challenges and give it your all. You’ve got this!
To our parents: It is your love, support and encouragement that enables our learners to stay the course and give their best. Education gives our children the building blocks to bring about the change they, and we, wish to see in our community.
Wishing all our teachers, learners and parents an exciting and productive 2024 school year.