Notice is hereby given to the public that the Token Identifier (TID) Rollover Project will commence in Ward 2 on Monday, 4 December 2023.
What is the Token Identifier Rollover Project?
It is a national project that requires all prepaid electricity meters to be upgraded before the existing software expires on 24 November 2024. Therefore, it is crucial that all the Prepaid meters in the Bitou Municipality be upgraded to comply with this national requirement.
How will the TID be implemented?
Bitou Municipality’s Engineering and Community Services Portfolio Committee, at a meeting held on 16 October 2023, considered and approved the rollout of the TID project. This is set to commence in Ward 2 from 4 December 2023. As from Monday 4 December 2023 residents residing in Ward 2 will receive their 2x20 - update digits together with their normal 20-digit electricity token. These will be issued when a resident purchases electricity through our cashiers, all vendors, online banking apps, and/ or cell phone banking. The project will move to the other wards once Ward 2 has been completed.
How do one implement the Key Change on the prepaid meter?
Once the customer receives the 2x20 “update token” together with the normal 20-digit electricity will be ready to do the key change on his or her prepaid meter. It is important to make sure that all previously acquired tokens are punched into the meter before the 2x20 digit token. In order to implement the change, the 2x20 digits must be entered into the meter in the sequence that it appears on your slip or on the message received when a cell phone purchase is made.
- Enter the first 20-digit code as it appears on the “slip” or SMS and wait for it to be accepted.
- Enter the second 20-digit code below the first one on the slip or “SMS” and wait for it to be accepted.
- Once both are accepted, the customer can then enter the 20-digit electricity token which will be below the second one.
It is important for customers to note that once the change has been done it will not take any old tokens that may have been purchased before. The Bitou Municipality will not be liable for any tokens that were not entered before the change was affected.
For any challenges experienced with the rollover project please contact our Customer Care on the toll-free number 0800212797, Telephone number 0445013174/5 or send an email to
Mr. Mbulelo Memani
Municipal Manager
Bitou Municipality