Bitou Municipality and Seda (Small Enterprise Development Agency) hereby invites SMMEs to apply for the Bitou Pop -Up Market.
The Pop-Up market is for SMMEs that are in retail, manufacturing of goods and service industry and is a great marketing opportunity for them. The Pop-Up Market is scheduled for the 30th of November to the 2nd of December 2023 at the Market Square Mall.
Application forms are available at the Bitou Economic Development offices.
Application for this event must include the following information:
- Clear pictures of the product or service (if service business detailed company profile)
- Must be operating for at least 12 months
- Must be operating in the Bitou, area - Certified copy of proof of residence and where business is situated.
- 100% South African made products.
- The business must be at least 50.1% South African owned.
- Must attend the compulsory site briefing if selected.
Applications must be submitted to the Economic Development offices in Melvilles Corner; office Nr 57 before or on Monday the 27th of November 2023 at 12h00pm.
Bitou Municipality and Seda reserves the right to evaluate and select only the highest-ranking business products according to the above criteria.
For further information, please contact Mr. Masixole Gubeni Bitou Economic Development offices on
044 501 3150 or