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Notice Number

Organizations and or bodies who qualify for financial assistance in terms of the criteria and prescriptions contained in Bitou Municipality’s Grant-in-Aid Policy and Section 67 of the Municipal Financial Management Act 2003, are hereby invited to submit proposals for programs they endeavor to undertake during calendar year 2023.

Only applications submitted on the prescribed application form and accompanied by all the required information, documentation, financial statements, covering letter, etc. and dropped into the submission box by end of business on 22 September 2023, shall be considered.

Copies of application form are available at various municipal offices during office hours as well as on the Bitou Municipality website:

Please direct any queries to Mr. Herman Nieuwoudt @ Tel: 044 501 3484.

Bitou Municipality reserves the right not to make any award and will make no award to organizations that have received funds in previous book year but have not submitted a final report on its previous expenditure.

Mbulelo Memani


Bitou Local Municipality