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Responsibilities of Project Management are the following:

Financial Management
Project Identification / Feasibility process
Contract Administration
Programme / Project Management
Monitoring MIG Database
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Operations and Planned Maintenance
Project-based capacity building

Key Performance Areas

  • Financial Management: Responsible for the administration and financial management of MIG and any other Capital funds within the MSID department and national accounting systems for infrastructure projects of the department. This function should be closely aligned with the Financial Management of the finance department and the whole municipality.
  • Project Identification / Feasibility process: for planning, and coordination of the project identification and prioritisation process for the municipality
  • Contract Administration: This involves the coordination of the administration of service agreements and contracts with contractors and consultants for each project.
  • Programme / Project Management: The management of the local infrastructure programme (municipal scale) as well as physical project implementation activities
    • Ensures that all projects meet overall planning objectives and specific key performance indicators, also as determined by the DORA and MIG policy framework;
    • The coordination of regular progress meetings at the local level and representation at the national progress meetings;
    • That the associated project management administrative functions, from project registration and evaluation through to final project completion reports, are taken care of.
  • Monitoring MIG Database: Management of the MIG and the preparation of all necessary reports to the Provincial MIG Management Unit and the National MIG Unit of the relevant provincial and national departments.
  • Project Monitoring and Evaluation: Socio-economic impact assessments detailing how the MIG programme has impacted the communities and municipalities in terms of skills development, community involvement, municipal partnerships, local economic development, and how the lives of the communities have improved (EPWP)
  • Operations and Planned Maintenance: Municipal Infrastructure Investment Planning, together with Integrated Development Planning, is necessary for the long-term financial sustainability of municipal assets. In support of this, it is critical that municipalities have planned maintenance programmes for their assets on one hand and the necessary resources and capacity on the other.
    • It will be the responsibility of the Project Manager to ensure that the municipality has the resources to fulfill the operations and maintenance obligations for all capital projects. The Project Manager will assist directly or indirectly wherever possible with regard to the planning and implementation of the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) programmes.
  • Project-based capacity building: Coordination of project-based capacity building and developmental initiatives.
  • Coordinating project-based capacity building in terms of Job creation, with a focus on introducing labour-based construction methodology and the development of SMMEs where technically feasible.
  • The development of community-based partnerships for the operation and maintenance of the infrastructure.
  • Monitoring and reporting on implemented capacity-building initiatives.
  • Responsibility for project management and administration of MIG and Capital funding, within the relevant municipal accounting system, for infrastructure projects of their own using MIG funds and any other funds or grants for capital projects of the municipality;
  • Co-ordination of the project identification process between departments, in terms of the relevant IDPs;
  • Co-ordination of the project feasibility process, with the involvement of other municipal departments where appropriate, in terms of the relevant IDPs;
  • Establishment and approval of contracts with contractors and consultants for each project, including feasibility studies;
  • Project management, including ensuring that projects meet planning objectives;

Key Contacts