Vision/ Mission
To ensure a safe, effective, uninterrupted and economical electrical and mechanical engineering service to the community within the municipal supply area.
Key Performance Areas
The fields of responsibility include:-
- Operations, Planned Maintenance and new service supplies:
The section is responsible for the operations and maintenance of the following electrical and mechanical equipment.- Water and sewerage pump stations.
- Street lighting
- Low voltage network reticulation (Overhead lines and cables)
- High voltage network reticulation (Overhead lines and cables)
- Medium voltage network reticulation (Overhead and cables)
- New services (LV, HV and EHV)
- Bulk metring (LV and HV)
- Pre- paid metering
- Conventional metering
- Electrical municipal building installations
- Electrification of housing projects
- Operations and maintenance planning
Draft planned and preventative maintenance programmes for electrical and mechanical assets to ensure the optimized utilization of assets and resources to fulfil the operations and maintenance obligations of the municipality. - Project Management
The management of local electrical and mechanical infrastructure programs and project implementation activities . The facilitation of backlog studies and environmental impact assessments of projects when necessary in co-ordination with other departments. - Financial Management
Responsible for project managing and administration of MIG, DORA, INEP and OPEX and CAPEX budget funding for electrical and mechanical operational and capital projects. - Contract Administration
Management coordination and the administration of service agreements and contracts with contractors and consultants. - Community Liaison
Participation meetings and events in respect of projects to be expedited to ensure buy-in and long term sustainability of the projects by the community. - Job creation
Implement, EPWP job creation projects as required and provide statistical information for all projects to the EPWP Co-ordinator for reporting purposes.
IDP process
Co-ordination of the project identification and feasibility process between departments, in terms of the relevant IDPs.
- After hours services
Provide an after- hours standby service to ensure the continuity of electrical and mechanical supplies to all services.
Finding the correct Load-shedding Schedule for your area
Choose one of the links below:
Download Loud-shedding App for Android device:
Download Loud-shedding App for Any device type:
Visit Eskom's Website:
Please Note:
As each of these STAGES (1, 2 & 3) have completely different schedules, it often happens that just after implementing Stage 1 Load-Shedding, the demand increases drastically and Eskom moves to Stage 2 Load-shedding (with very little notice). Your schedule may now appear to be wrong, where in fact it is correct, you are just not aware the the Load-shedding STAGE has been upgraded.
The only way to be on top of the situation is to continually keep checking for regular updates.