Quotation are to be completed in accordance with the conditions and Tender rules contained in the Quotation document. 2. The Quotation Document & supporting documents must be placed in a sealed envelope and externally endorsed WITH THE QUOTATION NUMBER; DESCRIPTION & CLOSING DATE OF THE QUOTATION. 3. Quotation Documents must be deposited in the Quotation Box, at the Supply Chain Management Division, Shop 59, 2nd Floor, Mellville’s Corner, C/o Main & Marine Drive, Plettenberg Bay. The dimensions of the slot of the Quotation box is: 5 cm x 30 cm and submissions may not exceed the thickness per envelope. 4. Quotation may only be submitted on the Quotation documentation issued by the Municipality. 5. The Bitou Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Quotation and reserves the right to accept any Quotation, as it may deem expedient. 6. Suppliers who are not yet registered are required to register on the Municipality’s Accredited Supplier Database (CSD). Application forms are obtainable from the website https://secure.csd.gov.za
Bid Reference
Date Advertised
Closing Date
Briefing Session
Notice Number