The Law Enforcement Section is responsible for Law Enforcement, VIP Protection and Security Services. Municipal Law Enforcement mandated by Government Gazette 23868 of 26 September 2002, to address short falls and hardships experienced by Municipalities in South Africa relating by-law empowerment, Business Act 1991 (Act 71 of 1991), Occupational Health and Safety and land use planning. The Fire Brigade Act, 1987 etc.
Vision/ Mission
- To promote a safe a environment in the greater Plettenberg Bay area by means of enforcing the Municipal bylaws, crime prevention, VIP protection.
- To safeguard Municipal property by means of investigations and security function.
- To promote responsible road usage by means of traffic enforcement.
Key Performance Areas
- Promote peace and stability in Bitou area
- Enforce Municipal Bylaws
- Issue fines for offenders
- Secure Municipal property and assets
- Investigate ,theft ,accident and damages to municipal property
- Reduce death rate.
- Compliance to Road Traffic Signs, rules and regulations.
- Free flow of traffic.
- Emergency – 044 533 5000
- Public Safety – 044 501 3240
- Operations office – 044 501 3251
- Motor Registration and Licensing- 044 501 3406/3400
- Traffic Fines Enquiries - 044 501 3098
- Driving Licence Testing Center- 044 501 3375/3373
- Fire Control room- 044 501 3230
- Disaster Management - 044 501 3252