Bitou Municipality is aware of the recent social media posts regarding the closure of Wild Waters Plettenberg Bay and would like to correct some mistruths made in the public domain.
The decision to close the facility was not a decision of Bitou Municipality but that of the tenant who has declined an 11-month lease offered by Bitou stating that it would not be financially viable for them to continue to operate the water park.
Bitou Municipality can confirm that there was a lease in place with the said tenant that expired in 2005 and since then the lease has gone on on a month-to-month basis.
In May 2023 a decision was taken, in light of new legislation, to go out on tender for all expired leases, which included Wild Waters.
The operator whose lease had expired made enquiries with Bitou’s Legal Department and was presented with the option of an 11-month rental while Bitou finalised the procurement process so the place could still be open for the festive season, and the tenant declined.
Numerous engagements with the tenant with the latest being last Friday, 27 October, confirm no interest in the lease, but would rather wait for the tender process.
The process to ensue:
Because it is a public asset, members of the public will be given a platform to comment on whether they want the land to be used for the current purpose or a new purpose.
Once the public has agreed on its use, the matter will go to the council and then it will go out on tender to call for proposals to operate it.
Issued on behalf of Bitou Executive Mayor, Cllr. Dave Swart.